Efficient functional therapy

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The most important information about the “Efficient Functional Therapy” course

Name Efficient Functional Therapy EFT according to Dr. Lazik
Model CAS - Certificate Course
Language German
Duration 1 semester
Number of modules 3
Structure  3 x 3 days
Course organization DTMD University
Course times Friday   15:00 - 18:30
Saturday 09:00 - 18:30
Sunday  09:00 - 18:00
Admission requirements
  • Completed studies in the field of medicine or completed training in physiotherapy, osteopathy, naturopathy, medical training therapy, chiropractics
  • Interest in new ways to optimize health and performance;
  • Working with people in a therapeutic or social context
  • 2 years of professional experience

Sur Dossier:
Persons from level 4 (at least successfully completed 3-year vocational training) of the Bruges-Copenhagen Process of the EU (vocational training)

Tuition 3.000 €, or 3.300 € for individual bookings + 3% TVA
Payment modalities One-off payment, due on booking, or 3 times for individual bookings
Feature Appointment 1-3
Appointment 1
Appointment 2
Appointment 3

Course content


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Qualification goals/competencies

The participants

  • recognize the importance of extended diagnostic procedures for deriving efficient intervention strategies,
  • learn techniques for restoring health and performance from various disciplines of medicine and therapy,
  • empower patients to become more active in maintaining their own health through new counseling concepts,
  • expand the competencies of the previous studies/training as a prerequisite for better networking and health care,
  • increase our own market presence and acceptance through efficient treatment results,
  • Teaching skills and abilities in the following areas: Muscle function diagnostics, applied kinesiology techniques, movement and posture analysis, cranio-sacral therapy, osteopathy techniques, biomechanical muscle stimulation, frequency therapy, magnetic field therapy, fascia treatment, optimization of performance;
  • Reprogramming of incorrect movement sequences,
  • new ways to restore health and performance in people with vegetative disorders, fatigue syndromes and somatic and/or psychological impairments,
  • Concepts for optimizing vitality through nutrition and dietary supplements,
  • Critical analysis of current concepts of illness/health in specialist literature and in practice
  • Legal issues relating to the practice of treatment techniques in D/A/CH
  • Linguistic qualification of therapeutic communication
  • Scientific and administrative matters


Functional Therapist - Immediate restoration of health and performance through Efficient Functional Therapy n. Dr. Lazik

Our way of life is characterized by a multitude of disorders, complaints, pain and impaired movement in the area of musculoskeletal structures. This area is currently at the forefront of sick leave (sick days). For example, idiopathic back pain is reported at over 60%, which is associated with major limitations and discomfort for those affected - but with no prospect of improvement. Disease patterns that cannot be adequately diagnosed using modern medical procedures can be identified and successfully treated in a timely manner using methods of cranio-sacral therapy, kinesiology, osteopathy, frequency therapy, CMD, biomechanical muscle stimulation and biocybernetic muscle function diagnostics.

In this context, participants learn new ways of diagnosing disorders in the musculoskeletal system, but also in the area of somato-psychic and psycho-somatic disorders, performance deficits, states of exhaustion and the resulting methods of highly efficient reduction of the same. The structure of the module gives all participants the opportunity to apply the methods learned immediately after the training. For example, chiropractic techniques have been modified in such a way that they can be carried out without risk (soft techniques) and are therefore permitted for use. Furthermore, skills and abilities are taught that serve to restore functionally optimal arthro-kinematic movement sequences, make muscle and fascia treatment understandable and practicable, harmonize vegetative regulation processes, enable reprogramming of functionally disturbed sensory systems (mechanoreceptors, muscle spindles, nociceptors...  ) and explain craniofascial, craniosacral and craniomandibular connections, thus opening up new ways of therapy. 

The aim of the training is to enable students to successfully and promptly diagnose and remedy a large number of currently protracted - often treatment-resistant - complaints. These include functional disorders, states of exhaustion, lack of performance, unclear pain (e.g. the frequently diagnosed fibromyalgia), optimization of posture and movement as well as performance in all age groups. Potentials that were previously unavailable can be expanded in recreational sports through to top-class sport. The latter area was the starting point for the development of Efficient Functional Therapy n. Dr. Lazik .      The skills also enable participants to motivate patients/clients to take a new active role in maintaining their own health.

The knowledge and skills gained from further training lead to a significantly expanded range of applications in medical and therapeutic areas and explain current uncertainties in the diagnosis of selected clinical pictures and the derivation of further possibilities for restoring health and performance.

Lecturers of this course